Every basic driving course tells you there are two components to how long—and how far—it takes you to stop: reaction time and braking time. But motorcyclists need to know more.
A good sportbike can outbrake many cars, but not all motorcycles are equal in that regard. And more and more bikes offer ABS (anti-lock braking systems), a real benefit for most riders.
As speed increases, stopping distance increases a seemingly disproportionate amount. For example, let’s say you’re going 20 mph (32 kph), and it takes you 20 feet (6 m) to stop. Now let’s triple your speed to 60 mph (97 kph). Tripling the stopping distance isn't accurate—in reality, you’ll need more than 180 feet (55 m) to stop.
Of course the best way to know exactly how much road you’ll need is to go out and practice—carefully